Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Evolution of "Love".

Love.  What comes to mind?  What does it mean to YOU?  I've been thinking about this one and off for awhile, but as of late it's been really been hitting home on what LOVE means.
As a kid LOVE meant someone doing a nice gesture for you, and we thought that warm fuzzy nice feeling for LOVE.  The LOVE from the parent(s) that's always there for you, and who later on in life becomes your best friend.  As you get older the WHOREmones kick in, and what we think is LOVE is most likely LUST; or the hormones kicking in over-drive.

Then we age a little more and LOVE is the person that give us that attention that we seek.  The person that we find attractive.  We as humans seek that companionship of someone that "completes" us, and we cannot live without...  Well, I've hit the next step.

Love is great don't get me wrong, but I don't think we have ONE love in life.  I believe we have many, but it's that ONE that makes us want to get better ourselves, to work together so the BOTH of you can be a better as a whole; not just individually.  This whole, oh he/she completes me, and that's all I need; is complete bullshit.
You don't need someone to "complete" you; you are fine the way are, but I'm sure there are things you can work on; especially if you are one to bitch about something all the time, and don't put it the effort.  We are all human, and we all constantly change; we experience and feel things in life that change our views and perception of life.
The loss of a parent; now feeling abandoned...
The loss of a child; how could this happens, and where did I go wrong?
The loss of a pet; what it?  I couldn't afford it.....
It could be a medical emergency or an enlightenment that we experience that changes us...


I've hit the age where I want to find someone LIKE me, but not me.  If I wanted to date me, I'd be single and enjoying my own company...

I would like:

someone who accepts me for my whacky-ness, and flaws, and it's those flaws that makes my 1/2 fall in love with me; each time I do it.

Someone that is there to push me when I'm down....  and I push them right back...

Someone that is there 110% when I'm ill and need the help.  There should be no task that should be turned down...

Someone that shares some common goals in life, and doesn't settle because one of us "has" to or just does..  It's about compromise and working together.

Someone that sees me dancing while putting away the laundry, and we break out into a dance party or roots me on...

Someone that appreciates the hopeless romantic I am, and sappy guy I can be.

Someone that will grow old with me, and when they look at me sees the love and history we have had together.  Each wrinkle a year that has done by, and each laugh line a reminder of the laughter and good times we've had...

Someone that can open up to me emotionally, and sexually.  It's all about talking and communication...  Try something new; SEXplore. It's worth trying at LEAST once.

Someone who will help discipline the kids as I most likely would be the "bad cop".

Someone that is passionate about something in their life...  A career, a hobby; anything...

Someone that doesn't throw the past and lessons I've learned from in my face later on down the line; we ALL mess up and do stupid things, it's how we learn...

..I know that I can be stubborn, but the someONE I marry will understand why...  My past and life hasn't been the easiest, and I've had to FIGHT and struggle; SINCE BIRTH.  If it wasn't for me having a go-get-it attitude, I would NOT be here today.  It's not going to change; I will die fighting, and I'm o'kay with that.  After the cancer issues I've accepted death, and have left it in the hand's of a higher power.  It's MY past and my story that has toughen me, but also showed me to value, honor, and respect what I have in my life...

Too many people stay in relationships because they are scared of the unknown; that's NOT good.  First of all, COMMUNICATE; it's KEY.  If you know you are truly not happy; it's o'kay to take time for yourself and find YOU.  You must love yourself before you can worry about another person and children.  
People stay in relationships because they are comfortable, or don't know how to leave.  Seek help from a relative or loved one.  If you need to talk to someone seek a good honest chat with a psychologist; there is NOTHING wrong with that.  There are lot of people who see a life coach often to just be able to talk and get it out; it works.
Young parents stay together because of the kids; the mother and father will always be the mother and father... a child would prefer their parents come from TWO HAPPY ones than one broken one...  

Love.  It's complicated, but possible.  Find YOU. Be YOU.
